Please reach us at [email protected] if you cannot find an answer to your question.

This is a required step for any CDL holder who has tested positive on a Drug or Alcohol test.  Be very careful that you select the correct SAP in this step.  Visit https://clearinghouse.fmcsa.dot.gov/Resource/Index/Designate-SAP for more instructions

This is a difficult question to ask as each case is different and depending on the SAP assessment.  The process can go as quickly as 4 days or much longer for complicated cases.  Give us a call and we can give you a more individualized answer once we learn more about your situation. 

Yes! According to Federal Register Number 2021-21928 as of 11/8/2021 your license is subject to be downgraded by the state you are licensed in if you do not resolve your violation.  

We have heard from several clients that some states are already in compliance with this ruling but all states will  are required to participate by 2024.  This adds a layer of complication that you can avoid.

Let’s work together to resolve your issue before it permanently impacts your license type!

Full ruling can be found here:


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